Sunday, July 09, 2006
yet another blog by me
From now on, this blog will focus on other topics, including politics.
random thoughts and opinions on politics, culture, history, grammar, science, life, and everything else
I've been interested in and writing on Internet-related issues since well before there was a worldwide web, starting with an attempt to understand what I then termed "micro-electronic networks" and then the "information economy." By the late eighties I had realized that what is scarce is less information than attention, and began to focus on "the attention economy," a term I coined, though others have used it later with a narrower meaning. See "The Attention Economy and the Net" Another long-held interest of mine is human consciousness and how it changes. That led to my 2004 article "The mentality of Homo interneticus: Some Ongian postulates" I have a blog and a small consulting business